When you see a good artist at work, it looks so cool—something completely new comes into existence under their pencil/brush/stylus. You can imagine it’s a great feeling, but when you try it yourself, it feels exactly the opposite—instead of getting fascinated by your creation, you get the bitter feeling of disappointment.
You know that you need to practice to become good, but how to practice when the act is so depressing, promising satisfaction without ever delivering it? The answer is: you need to change your mindset. The process of drawing is neutral, it’s your expectations that make it enjoyable or painful.
Over the years I’ve written plenty of articles for Envato Tuts+. Many of them had one goal: give the readers the motivation to start drawing, keep drawing, or come back to drawing. And for many people, they worked! To be honest, re-reading one of them when I have an art-block works even for me.
The problem is, they’re scattered around the site, so if you want to read a couple of them one by one, it can be difficult. That’s why I decided to collect my favorite ones here—so they’re easier to access for both old and new readers. Feel free to use them whenever you feel down and start losing faith in your art for whatever reason. I can’t promise they will help—but maybe they’ll at least cheer you up a little!
What’s Your Excuse? Why Can’t You Draw?
This is probably my first motivational article—it’s quite old, but still very powerful. Many of these ideas were expanded in the later articles.

How to Draw
A set of quick tips about essential areas of drawing—with links to beginner-level tutorials!

“Can I Draw?”—How to Tell If You’re Good Enough
If you don’t feel good enough to draw, you’re making yourself miss the pleasure of creating just because you hold yourself to an unreasonably high standard. Read this article to see how it works, and how to fight it.

Why It’s Not Too Late to Take Up Drawing
When you see people who are younger than you, and better than you at drawing, you can quickly come to a conclusion that you missed your chance. But you know what? It’s not true!

10 Drawing Myths That Block Your Progress
There are certain misconception that can slow down your progress. This article will help you get rid of them!

Realism, Photorealism, and Style in Drawing
Whether you’re upset by not being able to find your style, or you struggle with trying to be as realistic as possible, this article will explain what style is and how to deal with it.

Why Is It So Hard to Draw From Imagination? Here’s How to Do It!
If you want to draw from imagination, you can’t just keep trying and wait for progress to happen. This article will show you why!

7 Sins of Beginner Artists: What Keeps You From Being Good
Check if you’re making these beginner mistakes that slow you down!

Don’t Take It Personally: How to Make Critique Work for You
If you want to share your work, sooner or later you’ll have to face critique. This article will show you how to handle it.

Defining and Valuing Art
What is art? What makes art good? It’s a controversial topic, but understanding it will help you judge your own creations.

Is There Cheating in Art? How to Be a Real Artist
What does it mean to be a “real” artist? What does it mean to cheat in art? The answer is more complex than you think!

5 Myths About Learning
This is my newest article, applying to learning in general. These are myths that keep prevailing and slowing us down in various areas of life.

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